Description Of The Blood Freezing (Clotting Time) On Ckd Patients (Chronic Kidney Disease) In Rsud Dr. Mm. Dunda Limboto In 2020
The kidney is one of the organs that functions to filter blood, plays a role in the hemostasis and hematopoiesis systems. When there is damage to the kidneys it can cause impaired kidney function, which means that the kidneys cannot filter the blood so that it affects the hemostasis system, one of which is Clotting Time. Clotting Time examination aims to look for a history of abnormal bleeding. The purpose of this research is toknow and describe the results of blood clotting period (Clotting Time) in patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) using the Lee and White method.
This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The population is unknown with a sample size of 28 respondents taken by accidental sampling. The inclusion criteria were respondents who were not currently taking drugs such as heparin and patients with CKD ≥15 years and over.
The results of this study were obtained from 28 samples which were examined where There were 15 CKD patients whose clotting period was abnormal with a percentage of 53.57% and there were 13 CKD patients whose clotting period was normal (46.43%). Based on the results of the examination that has been done, it can It was concluded that the examination of the clotting time in patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) in the hospital. Dr. MM Dunda Limboto had more abnormal results (elongated) than normal results. The suggestion for this research is that before CKD patients perform hemodialysis, it is expected that a Clotting Time examination is needed, especially for CKD patients to be able to monitor their health conditions, other researchers are advised to take hemostasis examination studies, including: Bleeding Time, APTT, fibrinogen, clot retraction, rumple leede, and prothrombin time.