Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan <p>Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan merupakan jurnal dengan lingkup ilmu analis kesehatan, kefarmasian, ilmu gizi, pengadministrasian rumah sakit, dan ilmu-ilmu kesehatan lainnya yang relevan yang diterbitkan oleh LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo. Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan memuat artikel-artikel hasil penelitian di bidang ilmu kesehatan yang ditulis oleh peneliti dari program studi yang ada di lingkungan Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo dan dari peneliti di luar institusi dengan lingkup disiplin ilmu yang sama untuk membangun insan yang cerdas, sehat dan profesional serta berwawasan global.</p> LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo en-US Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2686-2026 ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE ABO BLOOD BLOOD CLASS EXAMINATION WITH ANTISERA REAGENT IS ENROLLMENT AND NOT DECLARATED AT THE OTANAHA GORONTALO Hospital <p>Blood is part of the body's transport system which consists of two parts, namely blood plasma and blood cells consisting of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. One of the blood tests is the determination of the type of blood by looking at the degree of agglutination. The effect of diluting the antisera reagent on agglutination is not yet known. This study aims to see the differences in the results of agglutination in the ABO system blood group examination with diluted and undiluted antisera reagents.</p> <p>This type of research is quantitative research with a quasy experimental design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a total sample size of 20 experimental respondents (50%, 40%, and 20% Antisera dilution) and control (without dilution) and then compared the experimental and control results using the comparative non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis test. (α = 5%).</p> <p>The results of this study are that there is a significant difference (0.00 &lt;0.05) between the experimental and control groups (0.00 &lt;0.05) and there is a significant effect (H hit&gt; H table) between the experimental and control groups (151,674&gt; 77.930) So it can be concluded that there is a significant difference and influence on the analysis of the results of the ABO system blood group examination agglutination with diluted and undiluted antisera reagents. The decrease in the degree of agglutination from the results of the blood group examination is caused by the higher dilution, which affects the antibody ratio in the antisera.</p> Moh Ilham Malanua Malanua Copyright (c) 2022 Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 2 2 57 67 Identification of Cacing Soil Transmitted Helminthes Eggs on the Nail of Cleaning Officer of the Gorontalo District Living Officer <p>Soil Transmitted Helminthes eggs are one type of worm eggs that can cause worm infections. Some of the factors that can affect it are nail hygiene and hand washing. Based on data from the Gorontalo Provincial Health Office in 2018, it shows that the prevalence of worms in Gorontalo District is around 8.7%.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The purpose of the study was to identify Soil Transmitted Helminthes eggs on the nails of the cleaning officers of the Gorontalo District Environmental Office. This research is quantitative descriptive with total sampling technique and sample size 47, with sedimentation inspection method using 0.9% NaCl solution. The data analysis technique used univariate analysis.</p> <p>Based on the research that has been done, it was found 3 positive samples of worm eggs on the nails of the janitor and the frequency in this study was 6.4%. This is due to the lack of personal hygiene application, such as not routinely cutting nails once a week and not using personal protective equipment, namely gloves when working with direct contact with the soil and garbage, so it is hoped that cleaning staff will routinely cut nails once a week and use gloves when work and for the next researcher to check fecal matter on the cleaners of the Gororntalo Regency Environmental Agency.</p> Elsya novyana Yahya Copyright (c) 2022 Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 2 2 68 78 Overview of Blood Enterprises (ESR) Using the Westergren Method in Tuberculosis Suspects in the Region of the Kabila Puskesmas, 2020 <p>Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Symptoms are cough for 2-3 weeks or more, fever, shortness of breath, decreased appetite according to the history by the doctor. The supporting diagnosis in this study is the Westergren method ESR examination. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the sedimentation rate (ESR) using the Westergren method on tuberculosis suspects in the Kabila Health Center in 2020.</p> <p>This type of research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were 86 people with a total of 23 samples using the sampling technique by accidental sampling. The results of the characteristic research on suspected tuberculosis were characteristic age, the highest value was found at productive age, namely 45-64 years. The highest gender characteristics were women, the highest occupational characteristics were an IRT and the village characteristics were Poowo village.</p> <p>The results of the examination with a total of 23 samples, there were 20 samples with an abnormal result of 87.0% and 3 samples with a normal result of 13.0%. The community is expected to pay attention to the dangers posed by tuberculosis, to Kabila Health Center to provide a supporting examination tool for TB suspects, namely the Westergren ESR method recommended by ICSH, for further researchers to carry out ESR examinations using the autometric method. 0% and 3 samples with a normal percentage of 13.0%. The community is expected to pay attention to the dangers posed by tuberculosis, to Kabila Health Center to provide a supporting examination tool for TB suspects, namely the Westergren ESR method recommended by ICSH, for further researchers to carry out ESR examinations using the autometric method. 0% and 3 samples with a normal percentage of 13. 0%. The community is expected to pay attention to the dangers posed by tuberculosis, to Kabila Health Center to provide a supporting examination tool for TB suspects, namely the Westergren ESR method recommended by ICSH, for further researchers to carry out ESR examinations using the autometric method.</p> Amaliah Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2022 Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2022-12-19 2022-12-19 2 2 79 85 DESCRIPTION OF EXAMINATION OF LARVA Taenia saginata ON BEEF IN GORONTALO CITY <p><em>Cysticercus </em>is the larval phase of Cestoda which is present in the body of the intermediate host, and consists of a thin sac whose walls contain a scolex, and the cavity in the middle contains a little clear liquid. Cysticercus or Taenia saginata larvae are found in cattle (Cysticercus bovis).</p> <p>This study aims to determine the description of Taenia saginata larvae in beef sold in Gorontalo City. This type of research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all beef sold by traders in Gorontalo City as many as 28 places, with a total sample size of 15 samples on the thighs and back of each trader by paying attention to the characteristics of fresh beef, namely red in color and not foul smelling. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling, while the examination was carried out at the Laboratory of Microbiology, University of Bina Mandiri Gorontalo. The examination method used the digestion method with Pepsin HCl solution examined and under a microscope. Data were analyzed using univariate. From research conducted on beef samples infected with Taenia saginata larvae.</p> Juwita Djailani Djailani Copyright (c) 2022 Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 2 2 86 92 IMAGES OF UREUM SERUM LEVELS IN TYPE II MELLITUS DIABETES AT TOTO KABILA HOSPITAL <p>Diabetes mellitus is a carbohydrate metabolism disorder characterized by an increase in glucose levels in the blood or hyperglycemia. Where the prankreas organ is unable to produce the hormone insulin as needed and the body so that the body is unable to convert glucose into glycogen. The urea relationship among respondents with Diabetes Mellitus occurs because glucose in the blood cannot be converted into glycogen, in this case it will cause microvascular complications in the kidneys, if hyperglycemia occurs, the kidneys cannot filter and absorb a certain amount of glucose in the blood. The purpose of this study was to determine serum urea levels in people with Diabetes Mellitus Type II.</p> <p>This research method is descriptive, namely research with a quantitative approach. The research design used a descriptive cross-sectional study which aims to determine serum urea levels in people with Diabetes Mellitus Type II at Toto Kabila Hospital.</p> <p>The research sample consisted of 30 samples of Type II Diabetes Mellitus sufferers using the Automatic method with a Mindray BS-120 device at the Toto Kabila Hospital Laboratory. The results of the research on the examination of serum urea levels in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus at Toto Kabila Hospital, from 30 samples, obtained that the urea serum levels increased by 17 (56.7%) and normal urea serum levels were 13 (43.3%).</p> Delyria Rahayu Tulabu Copyright (c) 2022 Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2022-12-21 2022-12-21 2 2 93 100 IMAGES OF LEUCOCITE LEVELS IN MELLITUS DIABETES PATIENTS AT TOTO KABILA HOSPITAL <p>In 2019 Bone Bolango Regency was ranked fourth in cases of Diabetes Mellitus. The results of data at the Regional General Hospital of Toto Kabila, Bone Bolango Regency, found that there were 265 Diabetes Mellitus patients in 2020 from January to March 2020. One part of the body's defense system that can fight infection is white blood cells or leukocytes, so that an increase in the number of leukocytes indicates a complication process of Diabetes Mellitus in the form of infection. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of leukocyte levels in Diabetes Mellitus patients at Toto Kabila Hospital.</p> <p>This type of research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population in this study is an unknown population using the proportion study formula (one group) and obtained a sample of 21 samples with the sampling technique by accidental sampling, using data analysis techniques obtained using the SPSS program.</p> <p>The results obtained from this study were 16 patients had leukocyte levels above normal or abnormal with a percentage of 76.2%, while those with normal leukocyte levels were 5 patients with a percentage of 23.8%.</p> Siti magfirah maku Copyright (c) 2022 Hulonthalo Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 2022-12-29 2022-12-29 2 2 101 108