Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) 2025-03-09T01:02:38+00:00 Sudarsono Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Economics, Business and Administration (JEBA) is a scientific journal of the University of Bina Mandiri Gorontalo which contains original articles containing knowledge and information related to the development of the latest research in the fields of Economics, Business, and Administration. This journal is published twice a year (1 Volume). Manuscripts published in the JEBA journal cover areas relevant to research findings, case studies, or theoretical discussions.</p> VILLAGE MINIMUM SERVICE STANDARDS IN BUATA VILLAGE, BOTUPINGGE SUB-DISTRICT, BONE BOLANGO DISTRICT 2025-03-09T01:01:33+00:00 Ameliyati Hasyim Karlina Napu Harsono Ahmad <p>This paper aims to find out and analyze the Village Minimum Service Standars in Buata Village, Botupingge District, Bone Bolango Regency. The approach used in this paper is qualitative. The data collection techniques used in this paper are observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in qualitative data analysis is inductive, which is a study based on the data obtained and then developed into a hypothesis. Based on the hypothesis formulated based on the data.The paper results show that administrative sevices in Buata Village have met the minimum service standars following the regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs number 2 of 2017 concerning minimum village service standars. Buata Village has followed these three&nbsp; crucial points` direction, laws, and rules. The Buata Village government`s implementation could have been more optimal,whether consciously or unconsciously. The Buata Village Government still finds several obstacles or factors, including the lack of maximum service to the community, inadequate facilities, ineffective human resources, and lack of pro-activity from the community.</p> 2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) THE ROLE OF THE VILLAGE SECRETARY IN ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENT IN TOLONDADU I VILLAGE, BOLAANG UKI DISTRICT, SOUTH BOLAANG MONGONDOW REGENCY 2025-03-09T01:02:38+00:00 Fajri Idong Wiliam Indra S Mooduto Siskawaty Yahya <p>The village government apparatus is an institutional capacity of village government that functions to serve the interests of the community/public in the village, the presence of the village secretary has a very crucial role in regulating administration at the village level. Sometimes the placement of village secretaries that are not in accordance with their abilities can result in a decrease in performance, as this research was conducted, namely for the role of the secretary in the arrangement of village administration in Tolondadu 1 Village, Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The method used in this study is to use a qualitative design approach because the main focus is on the quality of the analysis, not data that has statistical properties, this research was carried out at the Tolondadu I Village Office, Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. For 2 months and 2 weeks starting from April 17, 2023 to June 28, 2023. In the study of the Village Secretary, it can be concluded that its performance has a significant influence on the efficiency of public services. It is shown from the results of the interview that the performance of the Village Secretary is considered positive. Recognized as responsive and honest in village management. However, all agreed that further improvements in the education sector and more social programs are needed to help underprivileged families in the villages.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) OPTIMIZING THE ROLE OF THE VILLAGE CONSULTATIVE BODY IN MONITORING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE VILLAGE HEAD IN BUATA VILLAGE, BOTUPINGGE SUB-DISTRICT, BONE BOLANG REGENCY 2025-03-09T01:02:22+00:00 Tirani Mantulangi Darman <p>This study aims to determinate the opmizating of the role the Village Deliberation Agency (BPD) in Supervising the performance of the Village Head in Buata Village, Botunpingge District, Bone Bolango Regency. This research method used a qualitative research approach with a qualitative research design because it focuses on several aspect in the form of interviews, open data collection, and document collection. This research was carried out at yhe Buata Village Office, Botupinge District, Bone Bolango regency, for 2 moths and 2 weeks from Ari 17, 2023 – Juni 26, 2023. Optimizing the Role of the Village Deliberation Agency (BPD) in Supervising the Performance of the Village Head in Buata Village shows that its performance is quite good seen from the perspective of BPD in responding to serious matters such as complaints and aspirations from the community and also how to cooperate between the BPD, the Village &nbsp;Head, and also the Village Government in proposing the development of a Village Deliberation Agency in Buata Village, Botupingge District, Bone Bolango Regency, is well implemented. However it still needs attention from the regional Government so that the performance of the BPD can be Improved.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) THE ROLE OF THE HEAD OF WELFARE AND SERVICE IN TOLONDADU I VILLAGE, BOLAANG UKI SUB-DISTRICT, SOUTH BOLAANG MONGONDOW DISTRICT 2025-03-09T01:02:05+00:00 Rahmat Yamin Siske Anani Aryati Hamzah <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 21.3pt;"><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: #0e101a;">This study aims to determine the role of the head of the welfare and service section in Tolandadu I Village, Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. It uses a qualitative approach, with the main focus on the quality of the analysis. This research was conducted at the Tolondadu I village office, Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, for two months and two weeks, from 17 April 2023 to 28 June 2023.Based on the results of research conducted in Tolondadu I Village, Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, regarding the study of the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the head of the welfare section in the field of welfare and community empowerment. Carrying out data collection and preparation in the field of welfare and community empowerment has not been running well and by the rules and assisted by PKK cadres and community leaders.</span></p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) THE UTILIZATION OF VILLAGE FUNDS IN VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT AND VILLAGE COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN BUATA VILLAGE,BOTUPINGGE DISTRICT,BONE BOLANGO REGENCY 2025-03-09T01:01:49+00:00 Sri Meilani Pakaya Djamila Podungge Mohamad Ikbal Kadir <p>This scientific paper aims to analyze the use of village funds in community development and eempowerment programs in Buata Village, focusing on the infrastructure and economic sectors. The research method used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with key informants, as well as the study of related documents. Moreover, the data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model.The conclusion shows that the 2023 village fund allocation in Buata Village has been optimally utilized to fund several priority programs for village infrastucture development, such as improving road access, clean water, and drainage. Implementing these programs generally positivelly impacts accesbility, mobility, and villagers’ quality of life. However, using village funds in community economic empowerment is still insignificant in achieving the poverty alleviation target. This is because the program design is still not on target and is not supported by insentive follow-up assistance after training or capital assistance. Therefore, it is necessary to stengthen strategies and schemes so that similiar activities in the following years can run more optimally and substantially improve people’s welfare.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA)