Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe 2025-02-20T04:03:14+00:00 Frezy Paputungan Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe adalah wadah informasi berupa hasil penelitian, studi kepustakaan, dan kajian analisis kritis di bidang kesehatan. Jurnal ilmiah ini diharapkan menjadi ajang publikasi bagi mahasiswa dan dosen Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo serta masyarakat umum diluar institusi. Publikasi hasil penelitian ini diantaranya bidang farmasi, analis kesehatan, gizi, dan bidang ilmu kesehatan lainnya. Diharapkan jurnal ilmiah ini dapat menjadi informasi bagi masyarakat baik di bidang kesehatan maupun masyarakat secara umum.</p> ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE WORKPLACE HEALTH PROGRAMS AT RSUD DR. M.M. DUNDA LIMBOTO, GORONTALO REGENCY 2025-02-12T09:18:21+00:00 Nur Fauzia Yunus Adnan Malaha Rita Amini Warastuti <p>This study aims to examine the efforts made by RSUD Dr. M.M. Dunda in implementing employee health programs in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation Number 66 of 2016 on Hospital Occupational Safety and Health, as well as the challenges faced in this implementation. The research employs a qualitative descriptive approach, involving five informants. Data collection was conducted through interviews, utilizing source triangulation for data validity. The findings indicate that the occupational health efforts at RSUD Dr. M.M. Dunda Limboto include promotional programs such as extra fooding, physical fitness initiatives, recreational activities, and the provision of breastfeeding corners. Preventive programs encompass health check-ups for radiology staff, medical surveillance, workplace environmental monitoring, and health monitoring. Curative programs involve employee treatment, management of work-related illnesses, handling of occupational accidents, and post-exposure management. Additionally, several programs have yet to be implemented, including the establishment of a clean and healthy canteen, specialized mental health services for employees, comprehensive health assessments, widespread vaccination for employees, and medical rehabilitation along with a return-to-work program, which have not been initiated due to the absence of cases requiring rehabilitation</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe ANALYSIS OF PATIENT SATISFACTION LEVEL TOWARDS THE QUALITY OF REGISTRATION SERVICES AT THE OUTPATIENT COUNTER OF PROF. DR. H. ALOEI SABOE HOSPITAL, GORONTALO CITY 2025-02-12T09:24:02+00:00 adinda lestari Yolanda Ngabito Lidya Paramitha Moha <p>Study This aiming For know level satisfaction patient to quality service reviewed from dimensions quality services available at Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Regional Hospital , Gorontalo City. The method in study This use descriptive quantitative with technique data retrieval through distribution Questionnaire to patient take care road in Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Regional Hospital, Gorontalo City. Research Results show that that level satisfaction patient to quality services available at the counter take care road based on five dimensions quality very average service good . Level of suitability between hope and reality to the highest service accepted in the tangible dimension by (97%). And the level of conformity between hope and reality to lowest service received​​ is dimensions reabillity by (76%).</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe ANALYSIS OF HOSPITAL STRATEGY IN AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE FAMILY SATISFACTION OF INPATIENTS AT PROF.DR. HI ALOEI SABOE HOSPITAL 2025-02-12T09:29:52+00:00 Dhea rahmatullah Husain Ikram Muhammad Imelda Mohamad <p>This study aims to determine the satisfaction of patient families in hospital services and analyze hospital strategies in improving the satisfaction of inpatient families at Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Regional Hospital. This research method uses a mix method approach, Data collection techniques are distributing questionnaires to patient families and conducting interviews with hospital managers or planners, and conducting interviews with patient families. The results of this study indicate that satisfaction with hospital services seen from five dimensions of service quality on average falls into the category of satisfied or good, The two dimensions with the highest assessment are Responsiveness of Service to Patient Families with a percentage of 87.91 in the satisfied category, Service Assurance to Patient Families with a percentage of 87.75 in the satisfied category.</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe ANALYSIS OF STUDENT BEHAVIOR IN MIRAS UTILIZATION IN MADRASAH ALIYAH STATE 1 COST OF BUOL DISTRICT 2025-02-15T02:44:09+00:00 Arpin <p>This study aims to analyze student behavior in alcohol abuse at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Biau, Buol Regency. The type of qualitative research with a case study approach with a sample of 5 informants. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique used the content analysis method to identify topics or categories in the data. The results of this study indicate that knowledge, attitudes, family roles, and the role of the principal influence student behavior in alcohol abuse in the school environment. of the 5 informants, 4 informants did not know at all the dangerous impacts of alcohol abuse, they only knew the pleasure when consuming it, while 1 informant was able to mention the signs, namely unconsciousness which could threaten the informant's life. Meanwhile, the attitude of informants when invited to consume alcohol in the school environment during school hours, 2 informants refused on the grounds that their parents did not give them pocket money and they were presenting religious memorization. The involvement of students in the abuse of alcohol in the school environment, is very disturbing to the parents of respondents, the principal along with teachers and staff at Madrasah Aaliyah Negeri 1 Biau. The school in this case the principal strongly condemns its students consuming alcohol in the school environment.</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION OF HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIMRS) IN ‎OUTPATIENT SERVICES AT DR. M.M. DUNDA LIMBOTO 2025-02-20T04:03:14+00:00 Tri Liswinda Umar indi Desi Novitasari Darman <p>The implementation of Management Information System (SIM) for a hospital is very important in its application in the present era. This is supported by the increasing complexity of the problems that exist in the patient's medical data and other administrative data related to the implementation of hospital services received by the patient.</p> <p>This research was conducted at Dr. M.M. Dunda Limboto. the approach in the study is a qualitative approach and the type used is descriptive research that aims to analyze the application of Management Information System (SIMRS) in outpatient care at Dr. M.M. Dunda Limbotomelalui 6 aspek PIECES (<em>performance, information, economy control, efficiency, dan service</em>).</p> <p>Based on the results of research conducted it can be concluded that the application of Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) in outpatient care at Dr. M.M. Dunda Limbotomelalui 6 aspek PIECES (performance, information, economy control, efficiency, dan&nbsp; servicesudahdilakukandengancukupbaik. Related obstacles that arise in the field when implementing the hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) occur due to error constraints from the system, network and some features in the SIMRS application such as outpatient registration forms or medical and laboratory record forms).</p> 2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah dr. Aloei Saboe