Leukocyte Picture in Adolescent Smokers in Tingkohubu Village, Suwawa District

  • MOHAMAD SARIF HULOPI Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo


Smoking is a habit and even part of a need that cannot be avoided by individuals who experience a tendency towards smoking. Smoking behavior is found among adolescents to adults. Cigarettes contain dangerous substances including nicotine which can cause leukocytosis. This study aims to determine the levels of leukocytes in adolescent smokers.

The research location is in Tingkohubu Village, Suwawa District, Gorontalo. Research time is June-October 2020. Respondents were 26 people. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional design. Examination of the leukocyte count was using the Dirui BCC-3600 Hematology Analyzer.

The results showed that as many as 81.8% of respondents had a high leukocyte count or leukocytosis, which was in the range of 11,000-12,000 cells / mm3, while 60% of the leukocytes count was normal.
