Overview of Erythrocyte Index Value in Patients with Pulmonary TB Advanced Treatment at Kabila Health Center, Bone Bolango Regency in 2020
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Pulmonary TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which usually attacks the lungs. When germs enter the body, tuberculosis can affect all series of hematopoiesis, especially in red blood cells (erythrocytes). This can affect the condition of erythrocyte production so that it is damaged, these factors will also affect the lower hemoglobin concentration and experience anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the Erythrocyte Index Value in Patients with Advanced Stage Treatment of Pulmonary TB at Kabila District Health Center. Bone Bolango 2020.
This research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all patients with pulmonary TB with advanced treatment at Kabila Health Center as many as 28 people. The sample used was 28 respondents with the sampling technique using total sampling. Check the erythrocyte index in an automatic way using a hematology analyzer.
The results showed that 4 samples of abnormal MCV (14.3%) were normal, 24 samples (85.7%) normal, 8 (28.6%) abnormal MCH values, 20 samples (71.4%) normal %), abnormal MCHC values were 2 samples (7.1%), and normal were 26 samples (92.9%). The conclusion is that patients with advanced stage pulmonary TB have anemia less than normal. It is recommended for pulmonary TB patients to maintain nutritional intake and consume lots of vitamins to avoid anemia which can worsen the condition of tuberculosis.