Identification of Bacteria Escherichia coli In the Siomay Sauce Around the Limboto Cultural Park Gorontalo District

  • Anisa Pou Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo


Siomay sauce is a liquid or thick product that is added to dumplings. The cleanliness of sauces is often neglected, given the way this food is made and sold is susceptible to bacterial contamination that can harm health. Echerichia coli comes from feces which are part of the normal microflora, transmitted into food due to unhygienic behavior during food processing or processing, use of contaminated water, and washing of unclean equipment.

This study aims to determine the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in siomay sauce around Limboto Cultural Park, Gorontalo Regency. The type of research used is descriptive observational. The sampling technique was a total sampling of 10 samples.

Based on the results of research conducted on EMBA media, there was no metallic green color change so that all samples did not contain Escherichia coli. The conclusion from the 10 samples studied did not contain Escherichia coli bacteria
