• Kate Maureen B. Baltazar Bataan Peninsula State University, Balanga City, Bataan


The qualitative study, which used the method of descriptive qualitative research, aimed to explore the lived experiences of Filipino major students at Bataan Peninsula State University's Balanga Campus in blended learning for the school year 2022-2023. This study has six participants, from second- to fourth-year level students from the College of Education majoring in Filipino. The participants were selected using a purposive sampling method since the study aimed to acquire data that describes the lived experiences of the research participants. The data were gathered through semi-structured interview questions that allowed the researchers to further ask open-ended questions that could help them understand the insights and perspectives of the participants. The study was limited only to the second- to fourth-year students present in the college of education major in the Filipino academic year 2022-2023.
The themes that come out after gathering the data are the following: the time management, learned essential and applicable knowledge, technical and technological, and utilized time management as a strategy. In the acquired knowledge that the participant acquired during blended learning, here are the emerging themes: time management, independent learners, and learning to collaborate. Given the summary of the findings from the transcription of the interview, the recommendations in that form are the following: (1) Students' goals, learning styles, expectations, and incentives should all be considered. It will have a favorable impact on their experience and drive to continue participating in blended learning. (2) Increase student awareness of the advantages, expectations, and challenges of blended learning settings.


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