• Regina Pondaag Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo
  • Rachma Rs. Wisdom of Makassar
  • Diah Astuti Paramita Bunda General Hospital of Makasar


One of the jobs that is very risky is working as a gas station attendant, exposure to air pollutants released by motor vehicle and car emissions which, if they enter the officer's body, will bind to erythrocytes so that they can inhibit the heme system and result in reduced Hb production in erythrocytes. This research aims to determine Hemoglobin (Hb) levels in Tinaloga gas station officers, Gorontalo City. The research method was carried out descriptively with a quantitative approach. The population in the study were all officers at the Tinaloga gas station, Gorontalo City, with a sampling technique using purposive sampling technique to obtain a total sample of 14 people. The research results showed that the lowest Hb level was 11.1 gr/dl, and the highest Hb was 14.8 gr/dl. The average value of Hb levels is 13.5-16.5 gr/dl.Conclusion namely abnormal Hemoglobin (Hb) levels in 13 samples (92.9%), and normal Hb levels in only 1 sample (7.1%), Suggestions for gas station officers to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working for example masks, gloves, thereby reducing exposure to lead (Pb) levels or gasoline vapors.


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