• Riska Mooduto Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo
  • Rini Daud Supu Universitas Bina Mnadiri Gorontalo
  • Adnan Malaha Universitas Bina Mnadiri Gorontalo
Kata Kunci: Drug distribution, IFRS, management of pharmaceutical supplies


This study aims to describe the drug distribution system in the Pharmacy Installation of the Otanaha Hospital, Gorontalo City, which has been carried out in accordance with applicable standard procedures.

This research method uses a descriptive research type with  qualitative approach. The research was carried out on 4 informants who  directly related to the drug distribution process at the Hospital Pharmacy Installation  Gorontalo City Otanaha, namely the Head of IFRS, Pharmacist in charge of the warehouse,  Pharmacists in charge of pharmacies, and nurses by conducting interviews  directly to informants with the aim of digging up information related to the  drug distribution process. 

The results showed that the distribution of drugs in the Pharmacy Installation of the Otanaha Hospital, Gorontalo City, was mostly in accordance with the hospital pharmaceutical service standards based on the Minister of Health Regulation number 72 of 2016, but for the distribution service system there were still things that needed to be implemented, such as the Pharmacy Installation of the Otanaha Hospital, Gorontalo City had not implemented the distribution system is a decentralized method, the Floor Stock method and the UDD method because space is not yet available and staff is lacking.


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