The Analysis of the Medical Record Officers' Performance at Toto Kabila Hospital

  • Alwiah Apriani Ta'alek Universitas Bina Mandiri
  • Serly Daud Toto Kabila Hospital
  • Rosnelawati Poiyo M.M. Dunda Limboto Hospital


The present study aims to find out the performance analysis of medical record officers at Toto Kabila Hospital. As seen from the compliance of officers to the application of standard operational procedures (SPO), the workload and the suitability of the officers' competence are by their toxics.

The current study is descriptive research applying a qualitative approach. Data collection using interviews, observations, and documentation. The subjects of this study were 5 participants consisting of the head of medical record, inpatient coordinator, assembling coordinator, assembling officer, and filing coordinator.

The results of this study indicate that compliance with the SOP implementation has not been fully implemented. The assembling section has implemented the existing SOP and the filing section has not fully implemented the SOP because the inpatient BRM storage facility is not adequate, thus slowing down the existing services. people and available a number of two people. In the filing section, 4 people are needed and there are only 3 available. A competent medical recorder understands the tasks assigned to him, compared to an officer who is not a medical recorder.
