• Nur Amsyiah R Djunaidi Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo
  • Frezy Paputungan Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo
  • Ade Yul Pascasari Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo


The emergence of this self-healing phenomenon attracted a lot of attention from generation Z
during the pandemic, starting in 2021 until now. According to (Madura, 2021) self-healing means
self-healing, in other words healing means "a process of cure" a process of treatment or healing. Crane
(in Aisa et al., 2021) explains that self-healing is a process of treatment or healing carried out by
oneself through the beliefs one has and is supported by the environment and external supporting
factors. Meanwhile, in practice, self-healing has a term that uses the process principle that the human
body is actually something that can scientifically repair and heal itself in certain ways (Bahrien &
Ardianty, 2017). The successful implementation of self-healing depends on self-confidence and
internal communication, which means there is a need for the desire and ability to carry out internal
dialogue. Self-healing is useful for recognizing and understanding emotions (Mutoharoh, 2022).
Self-control also helps identify problems that individuals are experiencing, thought patterns, and other
psychological aspects that influence current conditions. Sari & Aryanto (2022) say that Self-Healing
is a method of healing disease not with the help of drugs, but by eliminating feelings of anxiety and
emotional outbursts that are hidden in the body. Self-healing is usually done because students are
experiencing academic stress. The consequences of academic stress occur in the school environment
or educational environment.
According to Desmita (in Barseli & Nikmarijal, 2017) academic stressors are defined as stress
experienced by students due to learning or problems related to learning activities; such as pressure to
improve grades, long periods of studying, cheating, lots of assignments, exam results, making
important decisions, exam difficulties, and stress management. Rahmawati (in Barseli et al., 2017)
states that there are several factors that cause stress in students; including excessive academic
demands, poor exam results, mounting homework, and the social environment. Academic stress
occurs when expectations of academic achievement from parents, teachers, and peers increase. These
expectations often do not match students' abilities, causing psychological pressure that affects learning
at school (Barseli & Nikmarijal, 2017).


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